It is not uncommon during the first few office visits to feel overwhelmed and forget much of what is said. You might consider bringing a family member or loved one to your first few visits. Having another person there to ask questions and review the 信息 with you afterward can be extremely helpful.
It's a good idea to bring a notebook with a list of questions for your doctor and a pen to jot down important 信息. You can also ask your doctor to send you a copy of their evaluation and treatment recommendations.
如果你需要帮助准备去看十大赌博平台排行榜, the Consultation Planning program at the 癌症病人及家属支援中心 is a free service that can help you identify your key questions and concerns. 然后将这些问题和关注点组织成流程图, 这可以作为你与十大赌博平台排行榜讨论的指导. 请致电UCSF癌症资源中心(415)885-3693了解更多信息.
- 我的癌症到什么阶段了?
- Can you tell if this is a fast-growing type of cancer or a slow-growing type?
- 我将面临怎样的考验啊?
- 这些检查能告诉我我的癌症是什么?
- 我做了这些检查后需要多长时间才能得到结果?
- 谁会打电话告诉我测试结果? 或者,我应该打电话给谁来问结果?
- 如果我需要病历、扫描结果、x光片等的复印件,我该联系谁?
- 我需要做什么特别的准备考试吗?
- 这些测试有副作用吗?
- 有多少十大赌博平台排行榜会十大赌博靠谱网络平台我的治疗? 他们是谁?? 他们的角色是什么??
- Who will be the doctor in charge of coordinating my care and the rest of the doctors?
- What other health care professionals can I expect to be involved in my care?
- 我这种癌症的标准治疗方法是什么?
- 你用这种疗法治疗过多少病人? 结果如何??
- 与其他机构相比如何?
- What is the future outlook (prognosis) for my type of cancer with standard treatment?
- Are there any other treatments that might be appropriate for my type of cancer?
- 你推荐什么治疗方法? 你的推荐依据是什么?
- 你推荐的治疗方法的风险和益处是什么?
- 你建议我去找谁征求第二意见?
- 通常有多少患者对这种治疗有反应?
- 每次治疗持续多长时间?
- 整个疗程需要多长时间?
- 我多久接受一次治疗?
- 我应该期待看到什么样的结果与治疗?
- 在治疗期间会有测试来确定它是否有效吗?
- 治疗会是什么感觉?
- 有人能陪我去治疗吗?
- 我可以开车上下班吗? 有停车位吗??
- Can I stay alone after my treatments, or do I need to have someone stay with me?
- 我必须在十大赌博平台排行榜接受治疗吗?
- 谁将负责我的治疗?
- 在治疗期间,我多久去看一次十大赌博平台排行榜? 护士?
- Will a reduction in or delay of the recommended therapy reduce my chances of being cured?
- Are there foods or medications or activities that I should avoid while I am going through treatment?
- 治疗后多久可以回去工作?
- 有没有针对我这种癌症的临床试验或研究?
- 你有什么特别推荐的临床试验吗?
- 我是你推荐的临床试验的候选人吗?
- 我在哪里可以找到相关的研究信息?
- Is there anyone else in the area involved in research that I might contact to discuss my cancer?
- 我有多少时间来决定我的治疗方案?
- 所需的治疗是否需要自付费用?
- Is there someone in your office (or facility) who assists patients with questions about insurance? 那会是谁呢??
- 如果我的保险不支付特定治疗或药物的费用, 你会推荐另一种治疗方法吗? 如果效果较差怎么办?
- 如果我没有保险,我可以向谁寻求治疗?
- Who can I talk to about pharmacy assistance programs if my insurance doesn't cover a particular medication?
- 我在哪里可以找到关于我的疾病的文献?
- Are you willing to speak to my spouse or other family members about my illness and my treatments?
- 我在哪里可以找到支持团体?
- 我能和接受过这种治疗的人谈谈吗?
- 我可以和社工谈谈吗?
- Is there a dietitian on staff if I have nutritional concerns or difficulties?
- 我需要特别节食吗?
- 你对改变生活方式有什么建议吗?
- Who do I call if I have an emergency medical situation during my treatment, or shortly afterward?
- 我应该有什么电话号码才能找到你? 护士? 十大赌博平台排行榜?
- 我应该注意什么特别的症状吗?
- 它们发生的可能性有多大?
- 如果我有副作用该怎么办?
- 如果我有严重的副作用,我该找谁?
- 如何预防这些副作用或减轻其严重程度?
- 什么时候会出现这些副作用?
- 这些副作用会危及生命吗?
- 副作用会持续多久?
- 有什么治疗方法可以控制副作用?